Do Truckers Still Use CB Radios in 2023?

Do Truckers Still Use CB Radios in 2023?

Truckers used to travel for thousands of miles, living a life on the road, away from civilization. The only form of communication they had with the outside world was the CB radio. If anything went wrong on the road, CB radios were what saved them by allowing them to call out for help.

But now that communication systems have become so efficient, are CB radios still in use? In this article, we will discuss whether truckers still use this favorite mode of communication.

Do Truckers Still Use CB Radios? 

For a long time, CB radios had been used to establish a proper communication method between fellow truckers in desolated areas. But with the advancement of technology, things have changed. However, once a very popular medium, the use of CB radios is almost dead now.


In spite of the fact that a lot of truckers have changed to cell phones, a large number of them still rely on CB radios. The sole reason behind this is that the truckers have been dependent on them for a long time, 5, 10, or even over 20 years! So it can be quite hard for them to shift to new technology.

Additionally, the information received from CB radios is local, instantaneous, and up-to-date. Truckers can easily get updated on the current road and weather conditions immediately, which is not possible even by our smartphones due to slow internet connection in deserted and remote areas.

This is why many truckers still keep CB radios by their side for times when they go out of network coverage, when cell phones become useless.

If you use CB radio, ensure you get the best CB antenna for a pickup truck on the market. You can pick the best CB radio for truckers by choosing the right antenna.

There are also CB radios for Jeep, which work really well. And if you prefer a car, you can get a CB radio for off-roading.

What CB Channels Do Truckers Tend to Use?

CB radios have a set of 40 distinct channels in the 27 MHz band for usual communication. Despite the existence of so many channels, the truckers on the road limit their communication to the following few.

Two of the most popular channels among the truckers are channel 17 and channel 19. While channel 17 is most commonly used by truckers on North/Southbound highways on the west coast, channel 19 is famous for being the band’s center frequency for truckers.


The other two mentionable channels are Channel One and channel 10. Truckers in the eastern USA most notably use Channel 1. Channel 10, on the other hand, is frequently used while traveling on regional roads.

Another noteworthy CB radio channel is channel 9, which is typically used in emergencies.


Why do some truckers prefer CB radios over cell phones?

Some truckers prefer CB radios over cell phones because they have depended on them for a long time. CB radios provide immediate, local, and up-to-date information, which can be especially useful for updating current road and weather conditions in remote areas where cell phone internet connections may be slow or non-existent.

What are the benefits of CB radios in remote and deserted areas?

CB radios can be more reliable in remote and deserted areas than cell phones. They provide immediate, local, and up-to-date information, which can be crucial for getting updates on current road and weather conditions. This is particularly useful in areas with poor or non-existent cell phone network coverage.

Can CB radios be used in vehicles other than trucks?

Yes, CB radios can be used in various types of vehicles. There are CB radios specifically designed for use in Jeeps and cars, particularly for off-roading. The key is to choose the right antenna to ensure optimal performance of the CB radio.

What are the most commonly used CB radio channels by truckers?

The most popular CB radio channels among truckers are Channel 17 and Channel 19. Channel 17 is commonly used by truckers on North/Southbound highways on the West Coast, while channel 19 is famous for being the band’s center frequency for truckers. Other notable channels include channel 1, used by truckers in the eastern USA, and channel 10, used on regional roads. Channel 9 is typically used in emergencies.


Even though the practice of using CB radio seems to have faded greatly, it has still maintained its legacy and recognition among highway truckers in this modern tech-based society and, hopefully, will continue to do so.

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