5 Best MURS 2-Way Radios

5 Best MURS 2-Way Radios
Best MURS 2-Way Radios

Any event that involves a lot of people needs a wireless radio connection all over to regulate the event successfully. For that purpose, a MURS radio AKA Multi-Use Radio Service is an outstanding choice to make.

While finding the best murs 2-way radios aren’t certainly an easy task to accomplish, a conscience review with everything you need to know sure helps.

This article is precisely for that purpose. I have researched and found the best MURS radios that are out there in the market right now. You might fall into an indecisive loophole if you go bonkers without a clue. To aid you from that dilemma here, I present you 5 best MURS radios to look through.

So, without further ado, let’s dive right in.

Multi-Use Radio Service isn’t something widespread but an excellent way to communicate in a small place, because you aren’t relying on anything else. Here are the 5 best MURS radios.



If you are looking for a MURS radio to use for personal reasons, BTECH is the way to go. In comparison to a conventional FRS walkie talkie, this will cover a lot of areas. The fantastic thing is you don’t need any licensing to use this.

There are 15, 20KHz/12.5KHz switchable channels, which are also adjustable on this radio. These are all of the course 2 ways, receive and transmit. This device is very user friendly. If you want to customize privacy tones, the option is one click away on the radio menu.

Nuisance channels? Simply remove them in a click. With 3 colors to choose from, there is a large LCD display in front. While receiving an incoming call, BTECH will prioritize based on which come first. You can hear loud and clear as a day as the channels are high toned and low powered, meaning long-lasting.

All the privacy tone options are available in this one. The device is pretty much compatible with the different brands out there. If you are a frequent organizer of events or have a business of organizing this, MURS radio is an investment towards that.

Some additional features make this a strong contender for the title of ‘best murs two-way radio.’ For example: an FM radio to keep you company, flashlight for night purposes, adjustable backlight, and many more exciting features. Hook this baby up with BL-8 battery packs to get the most out of it.


  • Kenwood K1 is compatible with this
  • Customization with PC programs available
  • 15, 20KHz/12.5KHz switchable channels
  • Multicolor backlight LED display
  • Additional FM and flashlight for added benefit


  • The user manual could be a bit complicated

TERA TR-505 Dual-Band 16 Channel MURS Two-way Radio

TERA TR-505 Dual-Band 16 Channel MURS Two-way Radio

Next up on the list is TERA Dual-band MURS radio, which has been quite a hype in the market. TERA is a real player who does not give away weak shots. Here is why they have absolute dominance over the category.

16 GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) channels are available, which are preprogrammed. Its compact size gives you the ease to use in any situation. Also, this MURS radio is straightforward to use. If you are a newbie to the MURS radio world, no worries, TERA TR-505 has got your back.

You have the freedom to communicate as far as 10 miles depending on the terrain. Are you lost in the woods? Just hit a channel, and someone can come to rescue you. It’s a right choice while camping or arranging an event at a longer distance.

With 4-watt power output, this is an amazing option. For user benefits, there is a programmable file up for download. The heavy-duty looks and built sure puts up a weigh and vibe to it. Also, the known channels can use the voice announce feature.

This baby is rechargeable. So, less pollution for mother nature as you won’t have to dispose of batteries. Affordable pricing makes it easily one of the best choices for MURS radios.


  • Talk in the distance of even 10 miles
  • Rechargeable with li-ion batteries
  • Compact and heavy-duty built
  • 16 channels that are preprogrammed
  • Affordable, easy to use for recreational activities


  • After a while, the receiving end might face some problems

Retevis RT27V MURS Walkie Talkies

Retevis RT27V MURS Walkie Talkies

This is one of those walkie talkies that look more legit and badass both in terms of usage and looks. Retevis is a well-known name in the industry and they sure did earn that name with quality products like this one right here. Let me walk you through this MURS walkie talkie.

First of all, there is no licensing so yay for that. Suppose you are in a denser part of the forest; I know you are a wanderer. But if you have RT27V with you, there is nothing to worry about as this can easily communicate through that without jamming the network.

We all hate when there is static while talking. What if a bear is coming? In those cases, this is the best choice. The background noises are mellow with this one as this has high-quality earpieces.

Weighing about 4.9 pounds, this is lighter than a feather on hands. That allows it to be more usable and portable. It also has a requirement of 5 Lithium-ion batteries to run on which are easy to find and pocket friendly too.

There are 5 channels on this MURS radio. And the modulation type is F3E. Hands-free talking and charging port have made operations in this way easier. Running out of battery? Don’t guess anymore, there is a LED indicator to tell you exactly when you need charging.


  • Easy to use and rugged body
  • Noise cancellation with a high-quality earpiece
  • Channels to switch through
  • Works even in the deepest depth of the forest
  • LED indicator for low battery


  • Inside building the range might be narrow

Dakota Alert M538-HT MURS Wireless VHF Transceiver

Dakota Alert M538-HT MURS Wireless VHF Transceiver

Suppose you went hunting and found yourself lost in the woods. How do you ask for help? There’s no signal and screaming sure won’t help. In those unfortunate situations, Dakota is the one to turn to. This wireless MURS radio will reach places where others simply cannot.

It is a handheld MURS radio like most others. But unlike others even if your receiver is like 2 miles away that’s no big deal for this beast. Just in case you are running a business that needs constant communication like a hotel or event management, this will come super handy.

There are 5 channels on this radio and 38 sub-channels to keep you connected by all means. Don’t want to listen to messages out loud like other walkie talkies? This one has an earphone jack for privacy. Also, do not break a sweat about getting FCC license, as we know how tiring the process can get. It doesn’t require one.

This has very high frequency, it can get as high as 151.820~154.600MHz frequencies with this bad boy. There are different tunes to choose from as well. It’s all amazing with this Dakota MURS radio as it gives you a lot of choices upfront.

Another amazing feature of this radio that it has MURS Alert Probe sensors. This is a long-range driveway alarm that will detect the incoming or outgoing vehicles if you please. It is super handy and won’t give false alarm from nearby animals; this thing can detect the difference.


  • MURS Alert Probe sensors for detecting vehicles
  • 5 channels and 38 sub-channels
  • Long-range reach up to 2 miles
  • No FCC license required to use this
  • VFH of 151.820~154.600MHz Frequencies


  • Could have used a better headphone jack

Motorola RMM2050 On-Site Two-Way Business Radio

Motorola RMM2050 On-Site Two-Way Business Radio

At last on my list, I kept the big guns for the last. Now, who is not familiar with this beloved brand operating in this business since forever? Motorola that name itself sells trust. And indeed, a MURS radio from that company is undoubtedly one of the best.

Customization is at its best with Motorola. There are 6 customizable codes along with the 5 FCC license-free frequencies. Reaching up to places that are really far is one of its fortes. You can hear loud and clear in the ranges of 220,000 Sq. Ft. / 13 Floors. Now that is impressive.

This is legit military-grade as it uses and meets military expectations. The rugged and full proof design against shock, dirt, and dust makes it more durable. There is a 1500mW speaker that lets you hear everything loud and clear.

If you are in noisy situations then Motorola RMM2050 won’t disappoint you. It has a noise-canceling option that will enable you to communicate clearly.

Worried about cleanliness with all those people touching the device? Yeah, Motorola has seen 2020 coming with full force. That’s why this baby has Antimicrobial Coating to keep you safe from the germs.

And don’t forget the tri-color interface that is LED, it takes these small details to keep a product up and running like a champ.


  • Reaches range of 220,000 Sq. Ft. / 13 Floors
  • Anti-shock, dirt, and dust making it more durable
  • Noise canceling options for crisp conversation
  • A tricolor interface that is LED
  • Antimicrobial Coating to keep you safe from the germs


  • A bit on the expensive side

Things to Consider Before Buying MURS 2-Way Radios

Now you might be very excited about that upcoming camping overnight session or you are planning to expand your horizon. Not just to serve hobbies. These MURS radios can be your best pal while operating a business that involves a lot of people and a lot on constant communication.

Pick any event managing or security providing office, a hotel, or a hunting situation. You need a good MURS radio. And let me tell you one thing they are not the easiest to get but there are some basics that you should know before you go off and buy one.

I made a list of things as a matter of fact. Just take a look.

Coverage of Area 

MURS 2-Way Radios

You may have an intentional use in mind or not, trust me you need a good coverage with a MURS radio. There are a lot of wacky ones who work well in a small place but go all mushy if you even stand outside the door.

Watch out for low coverage ones. They don’t do you any good. Choose the one that can cover areas from 2 to 10 miles depending on the terrain. Right there on the list above are some you want to take a look at for sure.


Usually, people use phones to communicate. But when you have to use a MURS radio to communicate that means things have gone down wild or those are situations where being weak will not just cut it.

That’s why MURS radios have to be built with that thought in mind. Choose the one that’s solid and durable. A well-made MURS radio will last you a lifetime of support.

No FCC Licensing 

While going up for an FCC license it can cost you real good money like about thousands of dollars. Why do that when you literally save those thousand dollars. Choose the MURS radios that don’t require licensing and there are a lot of those in the list above.

And hey, don’t worry about it. It’s not illegal as MURS radios use pubic frequencies. No cartel is stupid enough to conduct business in an open signal; so, it’s safe as long as you don’t do anything illegal.

Added Benefits 

There are some MURS radios that come with some added features. An FM radio or as a matter of fact a flashlight while camping would come in handy. If you can have those on top of having a MURS radio, why not? Value for money is all I’m proposing here.

MURS 2-Way Radios

Crystal Clear Communication 

It’s very important to be able to communicate without static or cracked voices. And noises while conducting business is a real bummer. So, having a MURS radio that can give you crisp output and noise-canceling benefits is something you must have.

Frequently Asked Questions

There might still be some questions left unsaid. Here are some FAQs and answers.

What does MURS stand for?

It stands for multi-use radio service. This kind of radio uses channels of 151 to 154 MHz to communicate in a short distance.

Is MURS radio safe for private communication?

Not really. These radios are mainly used in recreational events or businesses uses to communicate with staff. I would not trust a MURS radio to communicate sensitive information.

Do I need a license to use one of these?

It is already licensed by rules. Those frequencies are dedicated for the use of MURS radios. So individual licensing is not required. Licensing can cost you thousands of dollars.

Can a walkie talkie communicate to HAM radio?

In theory yes. It should be able to connect. But it might be illegal to do so. So, it’s in your better interest to not go that way.

Can anyone use MURS?

Yes! All you have to do is just buy the radio for you and another user. And you are good to go. There is nothing else you have to do.

Final Words

In all seriousness, getting the hang of best murs 2-way radios isn’t just the job for anyone. But with correct information and tool, you can do just fine by yourself.

There are places that a mobile phone signal might not reach but with MURS radio communicating is easier than ever. Moreover, there is no waiting time or no traffic. Plus, there are lots of customization options available.

I hope all these informations help you to choose the best one for yourself.